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Come to the Table

Come to the Table

Come to the Table

Madison shares reflections on Scripture and the song Come to the Table (Common Hymnal), and how we can live like Jesus in a world wrought with strife and division.

by Madison Janke on July 10, 2020

We are living in an incredibly broken world. Prejudices, sickness, and hate are plaguing our country like never before. Harmony and peace may feel out of reach, but I don’t think they are.

Recently, I’ve been listening to this song, Come to the Table by Common Hymnal. The lyrics in this song are inviting people to a meal at a table.  People from every walk of life, every background, gender, race, and ethnicity. The Lord wants all of us to sit with him because that’s where we all belong. At this table, there is no place for hate and exclusion. There is peace, love, joy, and laughter when we gather together humbly in His name.

The lyrics bring to mind an image of what Heaven will be like one day: filled with laughter, joy, and people from every tribe and nation, all gathering together worshipping the Lord. I have prayed the Lord’s Prayer and said “on earth as it is in Heaven.” I need to ask if I am actually living that verse out on a daily basis.

I have prayed the Lord’s Prayer and said “on earth as it is in Heaven.” I need to ask if I am actually living that verse out on a daily basis.

I strive to live out the Lord’s will for my life, but I know I fall short just about every day. The Bible says in John 13:35 that people will know that we are his disciples by the way we love one another. I believe that is His will for his children; to love the people that the world does not love or people that are different than you and I. 

So, I encourage you to pursue conversations and friendships with all people. Invite them to your table. Love them simply because you can and because Jesus wants us to love them. It may feel like a small, insignificant step, but it’s a step in the right direction. Jesus included many people in his ministry, people that were broken, proud, outcast, influential, and wealthy. There was no group of people beyond Jesus’ love. People from any and all backgrounds can be used to advance the Kingdom and bring Heaven to earth.

Tags: prayer, jesus, kingdom