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The faith-filled community at SWU is comprised of students, faculty and staff who are passionate about learning and growing, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Office Directory

Listing by Department
Listing by Name

Adams, Simone

- Assistant Professor of Special Education and Director of Project Create

Ahn, Hye Won

- Assistant Professor of Social Science

Anastasi, Elizabeth

- Executive Assistant to the University Chaplain and VP of Student Life

Anderson, Jessica

- Instructor of Writing and Digital Studies

Andrews, Mary

- Assistant Director of Admissions Operations

Ardeeser, Clay

- Head Women's Softball Coach

Attawia, Raymond

- Associate Professor of Business

Bagwell, Tonda

- Manager of Contracts and Affiliate Payroll

Bailey, Victoria

- Assistant Residence Director (Joiner-Hilson)

Barnes, Tina

- Part-time Safety Officer

Beckwith, Andrew

- Chief of Staff and Executive Vice President

Belcher, Hannah

- Executive Assistant to the Provost

Bell, Dr. Gloria

- Professor Emerita of English

Berry, Heather

- Head Athletic Trainer

Bickel, Brittany

- Vice President of Auxiliary Services

Black, Dr. Laura

- Professor Emerita of English

Black, Dr. Robert

- Professor Emeritus of Religion

Bodie, Peggy

- Project Read Coordinator

Boggs, Anna

- Library Specialist

Bowen, Brad

- Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

Bowen, James

- Professor Emeritus of Accounting

Bower, Brynna

- Athletics Academic Coordinator

Bowling, Rob

- Director of Facilities Services

Bowman, Rebecca

- Administrative Assistant for the Religion Department

Bracken, Rhonda

- Accounts Payable Clerk

Brannon, Kevin

- Director of Information Technology

Broome, Devon

- Controller

Bross, Dr. James

- Professor Emeritus of Religion

Burnett, Pam

- Auxiliary Services Coordinator

Cagle, Terrie

- Executive Chef

Campbell, Dr. Don R.

- Professor Emeritus of Music

Carson, Tyler

- Part-time Safety Officer

Christie, Angelica

- Title III Student Engagement and Success Coordinator

Clary, Isaac

- Website Coordinator

Cockrell, Todd

- Director of Institutional Research

Coker, Tracy

- Lab & Safety Manager

Collins, Christine

- Administrative Assistant for Health Services

Collins, Janie

- Director of Health Services

Connor, Dr. Keith

- Professor Emeritus of Physical Education

Connor, Jamin

- Head of Information Technology User Services

Corbin, Ryan

- Academic Success Coach

Costello, Kace

- Database Administrator and Integration Specialist

Costello, Mary

- Student Accounts Representative II

Craig, Hannah

- Executive Director of Presidential Initiatives

Cromer, Noah

- Residence Director of the Apartments

Crosby, Joe

- Chair of the School of Social Science and Assistant Professor of Recreation and Sport Management

Davis, John

- Head Women's Basketball Coach

Day, Greg

- Associate Professor of Music and Director of Instrumental Ensembles

DeBorde, David

- Associate Professor of Media Communication

Demondo, Bradon

- Facilities Assistant

Dennis, Warren

- Assistant Director of Information Technology and Manager of Technical Services

Dill, Jane

- Professor Emerita of Music

Dill, Ken

- Chaplain Emeritus

Dongell, Brent

- Associate Professor of Youth Ministry

Eckert, Grace

- Sports Information Director

Eischen, Debra

- Associate Professor of Business

Eller, Michele

- Department of Science Coordinator and Associate Professor of Biology

Elliott, Allyssa

- Admissions Counselor

Eppling, Caleb

- Associate Vice President of Enrollment

Ervin, Kaleb

- Computer Support Specialist

Erwin, Billy

- Food Service Director

Fernandez, Josue

- Head Men’s Soccer Coach

Fields, Dynestee

- Data Coordinator

Fipps, Brad

- Professor of Religion

Flemings, Atrez

- Assistant Professor of Education

Ford, Parker

- Facilities Technician

Forrester, Derek

- Assistant Professor of Recreation & Sport Management

Fort, Rebecca

- Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Fox, Hannah

- Executive Assistant to the President

Fox, Jonathan

- Admissions Counselor

Franklin, Buddy

- Associate Athletic Trainer

Frazier, Melissa

- Director of Human Resources

Freeman, Jessica

- Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology and Graduate Internships Coordinator

Gaillard, Kyle

- Operations & Finance Manager for Blue Hill Coffee & Tea, Co.

Garland, James

- Assistant Resident Director

Garrett, Ryan

- Security Specialist and Network Administrator

Gaskin, Meredith

- Online Graduate Admissions Counselor

Germain, Emily

- Athletics Business Coordinator

Gibson, Austen

- Facilities Assistant

Gillespie, Mike

- Deputy Athletics Director and Director of Compliance Services

Gocke, Emma

- Residence Director (Joiner-Hilson)

Gray, Heather

- Access and Instruction Librarian

Gray, Shelton

- Assistant Athletic Trainer

Hackney, Charles

- Associate Professor of Psychology

Hammond, Priscilla

- Chair of the Benson School of Business and Associate Professor of Business

Hanson, Nikki

- Payroll and Benefits Manager

Harrison, Christin

- Director of Auxiliary Services

Hatton, Dr. Karl

- Vice President of Enrollment Management

Hedden, Laura

- Director of Career Services

Heinz, Anna

- Head Women's Volleyball Coach

Herd, Andrea

- Assistant Operations Manager/Data Coordinator

Holder, Caitlynn

- Security Officer

Holley, Emily

- Interim Vice President of Advancement

Holley, Travis

- Executive Director of Physical Plant

Hughes, Leonard

- Senior A/V Technical Coordinator

Hunter, Greta

- Accounting Director

Hylen, Michael

- Department of Education Coordinator and Associate Professor of Education

Jachens, Dr. Darryl

- Professor Emeritus of Music

James, Amber

- Department of Music Coordinator and Associate Professor of Music

Johnson, Dr. Staci

- Chair of the School of Science, Technology, and Mathematics and Professor of Biology

Jones, Danita

- Director of Academic Online Support Services

Keaton, Michael

- Professor of History

Kizer, Lee

- Professor of Business

Knight, Lewis

- Associate Professor of Media Communication and Media Communication Program Coordinator

LaBar, Dr. Martin

- Professor Emeritus of Science

Ladd, Adam

- Safety Coordinator

Lee, Gunsung

- Associate Professor of Psychology and Coordinator of Studies in Psychology

Mahony, Dr. Jim

- Professor Emeritus of Business

Mann, Brittany

- Director of Student Accounts

Martin, Mary Helen

- Assistant Professor of Physical Education

McAlister, Heather

- Graphic Designer and Production Coordinator

McCarrell, Ronnie

- Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology

McClung, Linda

- Advancement Operations and Donor Relations Specialist

McDonald, James

- Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Forensic Science

McFarland, Dr. Robert

- Provost and Executive Vice President

Mealy, Dr. Betty

- Professor Emerita of English

Meneses, Al

- Head Women's Soccer Coach

Miller, Cami

- Senior Financial Aid Counselor - Online Programs

Miller, Jennifer

- Student Accounts Representative

Miller, Samuel

- Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities

Mohr, Jeffrey

- Professor of Biology

Mullikin, Heath

- Interim University Chaplain

Myers, Kenneth

- Professor of History

Nasir, Maryah

- Social Media Assistant and Community Outreach Liaison

Parris, Cheryl

- Academic Liaison

Pawley, Cliff

- Associate Professor of Exercise Science

Perez, Monica

- Director of Counseling Services

Perrine, Bethannie

- Residence Director (Mullinax)

Phaup, Raymond and Mary Ann

- Managers of Eagles Rest Bed and Breakfast

Pilgrim, Brandy

- Records Specialist/SEVIS

Pirkle, Kip

- Professor of Management and DBA Program Coordinator

Pittman, Donna

- Warriors CARE Center Co-Director

Pitts, Rosalyn

- Assistant Professor of Education

Power, John

- Major Gift Officer

Reininga, Julia

- Vice President of Athletics

Rhodes, Deborah

- Director of Housing

Rickman, Dr. Mickey

- Professor Emeritus of Mathematics

Robinson, Matt

- Head Baseball Coach

Rodriguez, Jon-Luke

- Strength & Conditioning Coach / Assistant Men’s Soccer Coach

Rodriguez, Sandra

- Instructor of Biology

Rodriguez, Stephanie

- Sports Nutritionist

Sales, Terri

- Records Specialist/Veteran Affairs School Certifying Official

Sanders, Dr. Diana

- Associate Director of Financial Aid, Title IX Coordinator, and Financial Aid Counselor – On-Campus Programs

Sayers, Dr. David

- Chief Financial Officer

Schaupp, Don

- Assistant Professor Emeritus of Computer Science

Schleifer, Lyssa

- Administrative Assistant in the Music Department

Schmutz, Dr. James

- Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

Schneider, Lindsey

- Head Women’s Lacrosse Coach / Assistant Athletics Director / Senior Women’s Administrator

Scott, Xavier

- Security Officer - 3rd Shift

Shannon, Michael

- Warriors CARE Center Co-Director and Online Chaplain

Shedd, Peyton

- Athletic Operations/Assistant Golf Coach

Shelton, Lori

- Assistant Professor of Piano and Collaborative University Pianist

Shirley, Byron

- Lead Facilities Technician

Sinnamon, Dr. Walt

- Faculty Emeritus of Science

Sircy, Jonathan

- Chair of the School of Religion and Humanities and Professor of English

Smith, Hunter

- Campus Visit Coordinator

Smith, Matthew

- Head Golf Coach

Smith, Richard

- Instructional Designer

Son, Hyunjin

- Department of Physical Science, Technology, and Mathematics Coordinator and Associate Professor of Mathematics

Southern, Caleb

- Director of Institutional Effectiveness

Spires, Tracy

- Director of Admissions Operations

Stewart, Trey

- Head Cross Country and Track & Field Coach

Stites, Joel

- Head Men’s Basketball Coach

Street, Nathan

- Chair of the School of Education and Music and SWU’s Dual Enrollment Coordinator

Stuart, Beth

- Assistant Professor of Forensic Science

Stutz, Chad

- Vice Provost of Academic Initiatives

Summers, Trudy

- Vice Provost for Student Success

Swift, Rick

- Interim Vice President of Student Life

Taylor, Mark

- Facilities Assistant

Thornton, Mona

- Professor of Education

Timmerman, Laura

- Department of Business Coordinator and Associate Professor of Business

Tolleson, Amber

- Accounts Receivable Specialist

Trimmier-Lee, Cindy

- Student Success Center Manager

Turner, Joey

- Assistant Professor of Human Services and Coordinator of Studies and Internships for Human Services

Valles, Thomas

- Director of Financial Aid

Van Steenburg, Christy

- Global Engagement

Walker, Jennifer

- Director of Marketing

Wickham, Michaela

- Coordinator of Worship and Spiritual Formation

Wilkerson, Shellie

- Post Office Clerk

Williams, Mildred

- Associate Professor of Psychology and Program Coordinator for MS in Counseling Psychology

Williams, Seth

- Videographer

Wilson, Fred

- Facilities Technician

Wilson, Mark

- Department of Religion Coordinator and Associate Professor of Christian Ministry

Wilson, Todd

- Special Advisor to the President

Woodworth, Dr. Fred

- Professor Emeritus of Education

Young, Janice

- Associate Professor of Education, Director of Teacher Education and Coordinator of Field Studies

Zurke, Anthony

- Assistant Baseball Coach