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How to Talk About COVID-19

How to Talk About COVID-19

How to Talk About COVID-19

Rev. Dill shares some tips on how to discuss the current COVID-19 situation in a spiritually and mentally healthy way.

by Rev. Ken Dill on April 09, 2020

Life with COVID-19 is now a reality for us. We have moved from disbelief, to shock, to our current sobering reality. It is more a part of us than we anticipated. Because of this, we want to talk about it, don’t we?

To be clear, we should talk about it. It is good therapy to talk about things that frighten us or things we do not understand. But, we should be careful how we talk about them.

Don’t Force People to Talk 

Just as not talking about a trauma is unhealthy, too much talking about a trauma is not healthy. We all have our limits. Be respectful of other’s feelings and, perhaps engage a new topic. Sometimes the ministry of your presence is more powerful than your words.

Let the Experts Speak

There is plenty of good information from respected experts to read and view. Check the sources and let the professionals speak from their place of learning and wisdom. Avoid speaking up too much on subjects about which you have no particular expertise. Know what you are talking about, and only talk about what you know.

Your Experience is not Everyone’s Experience 

Some people’s schedules have not changed very much; others have had their world radically reordered. Some people are spending more time with family; others find themselves sheltered-in-place with an abuser. Some people are reading new books and discovering new hobbies; others are mourning the loss of graduation, musical ensembles, and athletics.  Romans 12:15 states, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Be mindful that other’s experiences may be vastly different than yours.

Think About Your Theological Language 

Some say COVID-19 is punishment from God. Some say this is God’s way of making us slow down. Some say we have brought this on ourselves. I don’t buy any of those.

We live in a fallen world. Bad things do happen. Earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, and viruses are our reality. But, alongside this, we can also believe in a good God; a God who is greater than any evil, and one who does not use evil to produce good.

Therefore, God can redeem any situation. There is nothing beyond the redeeming love of God. My daughter, Emily, recently said, “It sounds like some people are asking God for revenge. I am asking God for redemption.” God’s powerful love can turn anything around. I am praying for this.

“It sounds like some people are asking God for revenge. I am asking God for redemption.”

Being a good community member means being deliberate with our words and actions. God’s call for us to be salt and light has never been clearer.

Tags: god, redemption, mental health, coronavirus, covid-19