November 9, 2024 — 9 AM – 2 PM
The New Generation Dance Team Will Perform
Director: Jai Putnam –
Registration form
$25/person Includes
Continental Breakfast and Lunch
If you have questions, need special accommodations, Spanish Translator (PLEASE BRING PHONE & HEADSET)* Or a Hearing Impaired Interpreter, please contact Cindy Trimmier-Lee - 864-644-5137 or email .
Schedule Coming Soon

Stacie P. Thompson, MS, CPC
Stacie P. Thompson is a Published Author of “The Words That Heal: Encouragement For The Soul” and the founder of StaciePSpeaks LLC, where she serves as an Empowerment Speaker, Certified Professional Life Coach, Certified Parent Coach, and Mentor. With over 25 years of success in her field, Stacie specializes in empowering individuals to embrace their purpose and turn their dreams into reality.
She holds an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Tri County Technical College, a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Southern Wesleyan University, and a Master of Science in Youth Development Leadership from Clemson University. Stacie's professional journey exemplifies the power of strength, endurance, and direction in achieving success.
As a dedicated leader, she demonstrates that the decisions we make today significantly impact our future. Through her insightful guidance and unwavering commitment, Stacie inspires others to unlock their potential and find their path to personal fulfillment.

Celeste K. Norris
Born and raised in Maine
Attended Walhalla High School
Graduated from Clemson University
Taught in Oconee County for 35 years.
“I never wanted to do anything but teach. “
Married to Ronnie for almost 50 years.
Two adult children and 6 wonderful grandchildren.
Cofounder of a domestic violence awareness organization (A Call to Action Oconee) for 10 years. BA & M. Ed Clemson University

Natalia Antonio-Martinez
SWU Alumni – 2024
Deputy for Greenville County Sheriff's Office (in training)
Evangelist Simone Devlin-Teague
Her daddy was a preacher man; her mamma a cook extraordinaire! This preacher has labored many years in the Lord's vineyard as a teacher, ministry organizer and leader, playwright, director, actress and comedienne.
She is known as an "Impersonator Extraordinaire."
Come along with her as she brings the scripture to life in her portrayal of some of the most prolific women of the Bible, notable women of Black History, and ordinary women in general. Prepare your hearts and minds to receive what God has for you, as she shares the Word of God in an exciting, refreshing, and life changing way (and sometimes downright funny)!
Beth Stuart
Beth Stuart married to Glenn Stuart for 16 years with three boys Connor (28) Reece (23) and Charlie (22). No grandkids yet but the oldest two are married so maybe soon! I graduated with my BS in chemistry and biochemistry from College of Charleston and my master’s in chemistry from USC. I went to work for the Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office in 2003 as a forensic chemist and recently retired from there and now work here!. During my career I worked in the lab, was head of the lab, but also worked on the road as law enforcement and worked undercover. I am a member of First Baptist Fountain Inn and am excited to start this chapter of my life.
Janie Collins RN, BSN
Born & raised in Arkansas (do I have an accent)? Obtained NA (nurse’s aide) after high school; LPN (licensed practical nurse); ADN (associate’s degree Nursing); May 1982 (had to get education in stair-step levels because my parents didn’t believe in furthering my education, nor did they have enough money); Started working in L&D, OR, and OB/GYN offices (loved helping women during this special, unique time).
Started two months ago as the Director of Health Services for Southern Wesleyan University and became a student at SWU to obtain a Worship Leader minor degree (half religion and half music classes) in Fall 2023.
Sing in SWU’s choir & play flute in SWU’s Wind Ensemble (I am the seasoned lady with the young students)!
Married Marshall Clark Collins (from Central); (that’s how I got here)! Obtained BSN (bachelor’s degree Nursing) from USC, Columbia May 2006 as an adult, married with two children. Marshall Clark Collins II and Kelsey E. Collins.
Diagnosed with breast cancer stage 3, December 31, 2007 (Happy New Year); (it is very different being a patient vs. a nurse)
Taught Health Science to high school students from Aug 2008 - May 2018. Retired due to my mom’s declining health in Arkansas. Started teaching OB clinicals for Tri-County Tech. 2019. Felt led by God to lead the music at my church, CFB (Central First Baptist) and started March 2023.

We provide help and inspire hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education, and support services. Visit here for more information.

Foothills Community Health Care is very active in our communities through our outreach services and provides insurance enrollment assistance by certified enrollment specialists. We believe in high quality, cost effective medical care, and patient health education and awareness. We participate with many public events in Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens counties.
Have your Blood Pressure checked on site!
Dillards Department store will be at the conference offering bra fittings and an onsite esthetician with recommendations to improve the health and appearance of the skin.