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How to Achieve and Maintain a 4.0 GPA

How to Achieve and Maintain a 4.0 GPA

How to Achieve and Maintain a 4.0 GPA

by Zach Wheeler on February 27, 2019

So, you’re well into a new semester and you’re trying to make this one the best yet. What can you do to stay on top of your academics this year and grasp that coveted 4.0 GPA? While we know that a GPA isn’t everything that matters in life, a few small points on your GPA can be the difference between scholarships, getting awards, and possibly getting your dream job one day. So, whether you’re already doing great and just want to maintain your success, or you’re struggling and need some help bettering yourself, here’s just a few tips and tricks that I’ve learned along the way.


Go. To. Class! Now, I know what you’re thinking. This is the easiest thing! I’ll let you think that - until you’ve been up until 3 AM working on an assignment and you have a class at 8 AM. While SWU definitely grants some grace for missing a few classes here and there, some professors factor in your attendance to your grade, so make sure you go! Now, sometimes life steps in with some unavoidable circumstances. Just make sure you’ve planned around these times and really use your skips intentionally, especially at the beginning of the semester. What you learn at the beginning will be the foundation for the rest of the class!

Build yourself a solid routine. Whether this means giving yourself a bedtime and setting the alarm for the same time every morning, or developing daily study and work habits, get yourself into a groove. Find what works best for you and go for it! After a while, those times where you need to sneak away from friends and really get some work done won’t feel like a task, but just part of your day.

Stay organized! Whether you believe it or not, cluttering up your life and your room is going to cause so much unneeded stress. So, keep yourself organized! Get a planner, declutter at the end of every week, and get organizational things for your classes (who doesn’t love school supplies??). By doing this, you’re going to take so much weight off your shoulders because you won’t be fretting over what assignment is due when, or lose papers in that huge pile of junk on your desk. Try to keep your life and your mind free of clutter so you can focus on the work in front of you.

Try to keep your life and your mind free of clutter so you can focus on the work in front of you.

Study, study, study! I can’t emphasize this one enough. Whether you think you have a photographic memory or not, make sure you study. And not just the night before!! Make yourself a study plan, get a study group of friends together, and just make sure you really devote time to retaining the information instead of just memorizing for a test. What you learn in your classes may seem unnecessary at times, but you never know when you might actually need the information. Also, give yourself whatever you need to study. If you need absolute quiet and no distractions, Blue Hill might not be the best place for you to work! Find out what works best for you and us it to your advantage.

Lastly, give yourself some free time. Overloading your brain with so much information is sometimes worse than not studying at all. Give yourself some breaks. Take some time away with friends. Have fun! After all, you’re never going to get these four years back! So, take some time for yourself and those around you (then get back to studying!!).


Well, there you have it! These are just a few short tips to help you get that amazing 4.0 GPA. Just remember to go to class, have a routine, stay organized, study, and leave a little bit of room for some fun. If you can hold yourself accountable with these things, that 4.0 may not be as much of a crazy dream as you think!

Tags: academics, college, gpa, study, success